Shujitsu University / Shujitsu Junior College

Shujitsu Junior College

Educational Goals

On the basis of the Fundamental Law of Education and our educational philosophy, we strive to provide students with a specialized academic education that helps them to become people who have well- developed minds, a creative intellect and who are rich in humanity, so that they can contribute to the community in which they live and work.


Department of Infant Education

The goal of the Department of Preschool Education is to improve the quality of preschool teachers and foster the development of teachers who are rich in humanity and who will be self-motivated individuals throughout society.


Department of Practical Living Science

The goal of the Department of Living Science is to educate people with knowledge, practical skills and a wide perspective so that they can solve the various problems that exist in modern society.

Department of Infant Education

The Department of Preschool Education aims to cultivate

educators and caregivers with a rich spirit and genuine

skills to nurture children. One of the characteristics of

the department is that students acquire specific knowledge 

and techniques related to child care, through not only the

everyday lecture-style of learning, but also practical training

and autonomous activities. The field of child care is the

place where students interact with children, support the

growth of each child, and nurture their hearts. That is why

educators and caregivers with practical skills are needed.

In order for music activities in child care settings to become “rich and filled with creativity”, students need to acquire “diverse, flexible techniques of playing musical instruments” and enhance their “expressive power.” Shujitsu Junior College provides students with opportunities for volunteer activities at Shujitsu Kodomo-en, which is located nearby, to develop their practical, on-site skills. We hope that students will acquire the skills which are needed in the field of child education immediately after graduation.

    Lecturer (Music)

    Mariko Akiyama

Department of Practical Living Science          

Living Science, as the name suggests, is a field of study that deals with people’s lives. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that Living Science is the most familiar field of study for most people. We cover subjects related to daily lives, such as research on nutrition and food-related diet, clothing, and fashion, barrier-free environments and environmental issues. The Department of Living Science at Shujitsu Junior College offers students with opportunities to study the following: Home Economics, Human Life Science, Natural Science, and Social Science.

The department is best for those who live assertive, positive lives, learn from problems, and it is also suitable for those who aim to work in a wide range of fields after graduation.

  Within only 2 years, the Department of Living Science provides students with opportunities to acquire various practical skills and obtain certificates which are useful in society. Computing skills that students learn at the department are essential not only in business but also in enhancing their daily lives. We hope that students develop the skills to meet the needs of the information age through learning the basics and beyond.

Asso. Prof. Tatsunori Harada                      (Information Processing)


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