Shujitsu University / Shujitsu Junior College

Faculty of Business Administration

Think Globally, Act Locally

With globalization advancing at breakneck speed, economic activity and competition are increasingly occurring on a worldwide scale. In industrialized countries, meanwhile, an aging population and a decreasing birth rate are reducing society’s vibrancy, and many are wondering how we can pave a road to a better future. This situation calls for people who think on a global scale but take action on a local scale: people who we call “glocal” human resources. It is with this goal of producing “glocal” people that Shujitsu University has established the Faculty of Business Administration. For over a century, we have educated young people who can get the job done thanks to our philosophy of “Kyoka Shujitsu” (Meaning, seek not superficial beauty but rather inner fulfillment). We now aim to take our education process to the next level by educating business professionals with “glocal” management capabilities.

Gaining Capabilities in Two Areas with a Management Studies Foundation

In the Faculty of Business Administration, students acquire the business skills of information gathering, analysis, and decisiveness based on a foundation of management studies. There are two programs in the department: the Global Business Management Program, which focuses on building communicative proficiency in foreign languages like English and Chinese; and the Regional Business Management Course, where the emphasis is on providing students with knowledge about diverse aspects of society. Students can choose the appropriate program based on their interests and goals on their way to becoming skilled and knowledgeable “glocal” individuals who can contribute to their community.

Acquired Capabilities

“Glocal” thinking:

Thinking globally while remaining grounded in the local community and understanding local needs.

Problem solving:

Use your own capabilities to the fullest in any situation through a frank problem-solving approach.


Put your knowledge to work in a range of fields by constantly learning new knowledge and techniques.

Global communication:

Work with a diverse range of people to achieve goals by acquiring the general knowledge and language skills of a global citizen.


Be a leader who can bring out the best in anyone.


Use IT skills and grasp private-sector needs through on-site observation.

Management capability:

Choose what’s relevant from a wide range of information, and then make decisions based on effective analysis.

Department Features


During orientation, students and professors go on an overnight retreat outside the campus. By experiencing and gaining a deep understanding of the philosophy of Shujitsu University and the Faculty of Business Administration, students will acquire more motivation to study and set personal goals.


Seminar classes begin in the first year and continue until the fourth, so that students can actively participate in a small-group setting and thus boost their ability to think and act. Some of the seminars are conducted using business management-related materials in English, so that students can improve both their business and second-language skills

Special Lectures:

To give students a chance to gain more knowledge and a broader perspective, the university invites well-known academics and business people from countries like the US and the UK to talk about their areas of expertise.


Here, students can use the latest information technologies and ask their professors and upperclassmen questions anytime they like. The café is open to all students who want to use technology on a regular basis and improve their IT skills.

Department Features

Business plan contest:

In the first semester of the third year, there is a contest open to everyone in the Faculty of Business Administration in which teams compete to come up with the best business plan based on topics provided by local companies. This gives students the opportunity to apply their two years of management education and their experience from overseas study and internships.

Emphasis on Language Education and Career Preparation from the First Year:

Our curriculum of “glocal” management skills is your doorway to a career. After acquiring language competency and social skills in seminars beginning in the first year, students can take part in meaningful overseas study trips and engage in productive job preparation activities. Another plus is the early implementation of internships, which begin in the second semester of the second year. Students take what they learn in their internships and use it effectively well before they begin looking for employment – for example, they may use it in the business plan contest or apply it to subjects related to their career choice – so that they can better promote themselves during their future job interviews.

The Global Business Management Program

Fostering Tomorrow’s Global Strategy Makers and International Business People

In this program, students gain a broad liberal arts education, including specialized classes in business management, as well as a high-level second-language education and the opportunity to study overseas. Students with a global viewpoint, knowledge, ideas, and skills in all facets of business management, and practical ability in a second language such as English or Chinese, will become “glocal” human resources who can lead global strategy and international business enterprises. They can play an active part in local companies by dealing and negotiating with overseas companies.

Fostering Tomorrow’s Global Strategy Makers and International Business People

In this program, students gain a broad liberal arts education, including specialized classes in business management, as well as a high-level second-language education and the opportunity to study overseas. Students with a global viewpoint, knowledge, ideas, and skills in all facets of business management, and practical ability in a second language such as English or Chinese, will become “glocal” human resources who can lead global strategy and international business enterprises. They can play an active part in local companies by dealing and negotiating with overseas companies.

Program Features

■ Special language education starting in the first year

■ Overseas study at an affiliated university

Overseas study locations (Planned)

The US, Canada, The UK, Australia, New Zealand, China, Korea, Thailand,

Vietnam, and other countries

The Regional Business Management Program

Fostering Community Leaders

In this program, students gain a broad liberal arts education, including specialized classes in business management, as well as a wide range of knowledge about the workings of the organizations that make up regional society; including governmental administrative bodies, medical services, and social welfare. Students with a global viewpoint, knowledge, ideas, and skills in business management; and general knowledge of the workings of society, will become “glocal” human resources who can lead a local organization in any field: private enterprise, government, medical care, and social welfare, including NPOs and NGOs.


In the Regional Business Management Program, students can put what they learn to practical use during an internship in the second semester of their second year. Students can choose their internship from one of the university’s partner internship locations. These include hospitals or clinics, NPOs, social welfare centers and private companies.

Some examples of the companies cooperating with the department are the following:

  • Traffic Access  and Campus Map