Shujitsu University / Shujitsu Junior College

Faculty of Human Studies

The goal of the Faculty of Human Studies is to develop individuals with both specialized and wide-ranging knowledge of the human condition, using language as a primary means. This will be carried out through a holistic approach to deeply considering human existence. To this end, the faculty is composed of three departments: Culture and Expression, Practical English, and Comprehensive History.

Department of Culture and Expression

The goal of the Department of Culture and Expression is to develop individuals who have a wide perspective, knowledge, and practical abilities in the field of linguistic and physical human expression. Furthermore, these individuals should be able to appropriately evaluate the expressive achievements of others as well as creatively consider their relationship with other people.

Department of Practical English

The goal of the Department of Practical English is to develop individuals who not only have effective English skills but who also have deep understanding and a wide perspective concerning various communities and cultures. These individuals will have the means of expression and cultural knowledge to play a part in global society.

Department of Comprehensive History

The goal of the Department of Comprehensive History is to develop individuals who not only have the skills to grasp the fine points of the treasure trove of human history but who can also consider it from a variety of perspectives. Moreover, these individuals will have the ability to apply and express this knowledge in modern history.




Department of Culture and Expression

The Department of Culture and Expression consists of three courses:

Japanese Literature Course

Japanese Course

Creative Expression Course


Students write novels and short stories in my class and gain a deeper understanding of Japanese language by expressing things in Japanese from a “practical viewpoint”. Students need to be always on the lookout for a variety of things in order to produce works that are full of originality. It is also important to study not only familiar modern literature but also history and classical literature in order to be able to look at things from various points of view.



       Lecturer (Creative Expression)

       Atsuko Kobayashi


Department of Practical English

The Department of Practical English consists of three courses:

English Communication Course

English and American Culture Course

Translation/Interpretation Course

The Department of Practical English supports students in their endeavor to acquire native-level English proficiency – not just a rewording or rearrangement of English words into Japanese and vice versa. Students are expected to be able to understand, think and communicate in English without any help in Japanese. It is also important to gain a deeper understanding of the culture and philosophy behind language in order to communicate smoothly at a higher level. Let’s work to improve your and acquire the “authentic” English needed for the current global society.     


           Lecturer (Linguistics)

           Kohei Nishitani


Department of Comprehensive History


The Department of Comprehensive History consists of four courses:

Japanese History Course

European and American History Course

Asian Culture Course

Historical Heritage Course

Learning from the past, seeking to examine ways to make use of it for today. That’s what it really means to “study history”. Through rigorous study, class presentations, and discussion, I hope that students will understand that there are various opinions on every topic in history. It is also important to actually pay a visit to historic sites and see real objects. You will be deeply impressed by the power of on-site Western works of art. Let’s explore history together – something that should prove to be a moving experience.

Prof. Mitsuo Sakurada

(European and American History)


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