

吉備地方文化研究所 公開シンポジウム 人文知のトポスⅢが開催されました。

2018年3月24日(土)13:00~ 本学S101教室において、吉備地方文化研究所 公開シンポジウム「人文知のトポスⅢ―<知>の在処としての周縁」が開催されました。



















※Photos : upper-left, INOUE Aeka,Super Intendent, right, WATANBE Masatomo,

lower-left,DOI Michihiro, right, KOBAYASHI Atsuko

Kibi Research Institute for the Humanities held a symposium “Topos of the Wisdom of the Humanities Ⅲ: The Limb as the Stage of Wisdom”.
Time and Date : 13:00~ 24th,March,2018
Place : S101 room of Shujitsu University
INOUE Aeka,Super Intendent of our Institute made a speech as prospectus of the symposium and after it 3 staffs reported their study-activities.
Reports :
WATANABE Masatomo “Between Dynasties and Retirement : Gentlemen in Isolated life and Refuse of Appointment in Later Han Dynasty of China”
KATOU Minako “Phase of a poet, SUSUKIDA Kyuhkin : Apart from the Capital”
KOBAYASHI Atsuko “Omens of the theme ‘Hokkaido-district’ in Modern Literature of Japan : Where and What is the “Center” or “Axis” of Modern Literature?”
After break-time DOI Michihiro served a chairman of the symposium and we discussed on the contents of the reports above and others.  The discussion especially concentrated on the differences of expression-medium and relationship between literature and politics.
We will hold another symposium to think of the Humanities radically in the near future.